Mario Dorizas and Dr. Michael Dorizas




Hormone replacement therapy safe for women with menopause & cancer survivors

Mario Dorizas Research shows that short-term hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is appropriate for peri- and postmenopausal women. These and other results from the Women's Health Initiative (WHI), the largest, most statistically valid and well analyzed research evaluating the use of HRT, are reviewed in the International Journal of Gynecological Cancer. In peri- and postmenopausal women who have moderate to severe vasomotor symptoms associated with estrogen deficiency, data shows that HRT can be beneficial. Although the WHI results only provided data from an oral continuous therapy, researchers say that other routes may be safer and patients should discuss the option with their doctor to weigh the risks against severity of symptoms and expected benefits.

Additionally, several studies have shown that the use of HRT in patients who are survivors from gynecologic cancer does not compromise survival, as was previously thought. Several retrospective studies have failed to demonstrate an adverse effect and the establishment of a definitive role for HRT will depend on the analysis of randomized clinical trials.


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